KPHB to LB Nagar Metro Route Distance Timing Fare and Duration
The total distance from KPHB to LB Nagar metro is 24.8 km with a travel time of 48 minutes and a ticket price of Rs INR 55 while traveling in the Hyderabad metro train. The first train from KPHB starts at 6:09 am while the last train leaves the station at 10:09 pm.
The table below shows the details between the two stations
Details | Information |
Route | KPHB to LB Nagar metro |
First Station | KPHB |
Last Station | LB Nagar |
First Train | 6: 06AM |
Last Train | 10: 09 PM |
Approx. Travel Time | 48 minutes |
Distance | 24.8 KM |
Number of Stations | 25 |
Fare | 55 ₹ |
Permissible Weight | 40 KG (10 KG Free) |
Prohibited Items | Matchboxes, lighters, petrol, kerosene, gas cylinders, stoves, any kind of inflammable or explosives, knives, scissors |
KPHB to LB Nagar metro Route Distance
The total metro distance from KPHB to LB Nagar metro is 24.8 km. If we look at the Hyderabad metro map from KPHB to LB Nagar, we will see that KPHB is the 3rd station on the metro route map if starting from Miyapur and LB Nagar is the Last station on the other side of the metro map.
The image below shows the map of the KPHB to the LB Nagar metro station.
Do you plan to go back to KPHB? check our guide on LB Nagar to KPHB metro Roue
Metro station stops between KPHB and LB Nagar
The KPHB and LB Nagar fall in Redline stations. If we consider KPHB as the starting station, then LB Nagar will be the last station of the Redline, with a distance of 24.8 km covering 25 stations.
The below list shows the metro station list of Redline, and it also shows the metro train stops while traveling from KPHB To the LB Nagar metro.
Station | Distance (km) | Fare (₹) | Duration (min) |
KPHB | 0 | ₹10 | 0 |
Kukatpally | 1.5 | ₹10 | 3 |
Balanagar | 2.9 | ₹15 | 5 |
Moosapet | 3.6 | ₹15 | 7 |
Bharath Nagar | 4.6 | ₹25 | 9 |
Erragadda | 5.4 | ₹25 | 11 |
ESI | 6.6 | ₹25 | 13 |
S R Nagar | 7.4 | ₹30 | 15 |
Ameerpet | 8.1 | ₹35 | 16 |
Panjagutta | 9.1 | ₹35 | 17 |
Irrumanzil | 10.2 | ₹40 | 19 |
Khairatabad | 11.3 | ₹40 | 21 |
Lakdikapul | 12.4 | ₹40 | 23 |
Assembly | 13.4 | ₹40 | 25 |
Nampally | 14.1 | ₹40 | 27 |
Gandhi Bhavan | 14.9 | ₹40 | 29 |
Osmania Medical College | 15.9 | ₹45 | 32 |
M G Bus station | 16.5 | ₹45 | 34 |
Malakpet | 17.4 | ₹50 | 36 |
New Market | 18.5 | ₹50 | 38 |
Mussarambagh | 19.5 | ₹50 | 40 |
Dilshuknagar | 21 | ₹50 | 42 |
Chaitanyapuri | 22.1 | ₹55 | 44 |
Victoria Memorial | 23.3 | ₹55 | 46 |
LB Nagar | 24.8 | ₹55 | 48 |
Ameerpet to LB Nagar Metro Route
KPHB to LB Nagar metro price
The Hyderabad metro fare depends on the total distance traveled by the passenger from one station to another station. Since the distance between KPHB and LB Nagar metro is 24.8 km, therefore the metro charges for it will be INR 55.
The chart below shows the metro charges according to the distance traveled by the person.
Hyderabad Metro Fares
Distance To Be Travelled | Fare |
Up to 2 KM | ₹10 |
More Than 2 Up to 4 KM | ₹15 |
More Than 4 Up to 6 KM | ₹25 |
More Than 6 Up to 8 KM | ₹30 |
More Than 8 Up to 10 KM | ₹35 |
More Than 10 Up to 14 KM | ₹40 |
More Than 14 Up to 18 KM | ₹45 |
More Than 18 Up to 22 KM | ₹50 |
More Than 22 Up to 26 KM | ₹55 |
Above 26 KM | ₹60 |
LB Nagar to Raidurg Metro Route
Hyderabad Last Metro Timings From KPHB To LB Nagar
Hyderabad’s last metro timings from KPHB to LB Nagar metro started at about 10:09 PM, and it reached its destination station, KPHB, at approximately 10: 57 PM, covering a distance of 24.8 kilometers. If you want to travel from KPHB to LB Nagar at night, then you should reach the station 5-10 minutes before 10:09 PM; otherwise, you may miss the last metro train from KPHB to LB Nagar.