Miyapur to JNTU Metro Route Distance Duration Timings And Fare

Hyderabad’s first train from Miyapur to JNTU metro starts in the early morning at 6:00 am, covering a total distance of 1.8 km with a travel time of 3 minutes and a fare charge of Rs ₹10. The first Hyderabad metro train will reach its destination at 6:03 am.

Hyderabad Metro Timings
Distance & Fare

Details of Miyapur to Ameerpet Metro Route

Miyapur to JNTU Metro Distance

The total distance from Miyapur to JNTU metro traveling by Hyderabad train is 1.8 km. If we look at the Hyderabad metro map we will see that Miyapur is the starting station on the Red Line and JNTU is the second station on the same line. The image below shows the route map of the Miyapur to JNTU metro station.

Miyapur to JNTU metro
Hyderabad Metro map showing the Miyapur and JNTU metro

Details of Miyapur to Hitech City Metro

Metro Stations Stop Between Miyapur and JNTU

The total distance of 1.8 km between the Miyapur to JNTU Metro covers 1 station. Since Miyapur is the starting station and JNTU College is the next stop, there are no intermediate stops between them on this route.

Distance Fare Duration
Table Showing the Details of Miyapur and JNTU metro stations

Miyapur to JNTU Metro price

The approximate fare or ticket price for traveling from Miyapur to JNTU metro, considering the distance of about 1.8 km and the standard metro fare structure in Hyderabad, is ₹10.

The Hyderabad metro cost depends on the distance the passenger travels from one station to another. The chart below shows the metro charges according to the distance traveled by the person.

Hyderabad Metro Fares

Hyderabad Metro Fare Details According To Distance Traveled

Details of Hyderabad Metro Timings

Hyderabad’s Last Metro Timings From Miyapur to JNTU

The last metro train from Miyapur to JNTU station typically departs around 10:03 PM to 10:05 PM, and the last metro train reaches its destination station at nearly 10:06 PM. However, these timings can vary slightly depending on the day of the week and any special schedules or changes that the Hyderabad Metro Rail might implement.

Also, Check the Details of the Miyapur to Madhapur Metro

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